About us!

DIRT (Digging in Renewable Turf) is the student organization that runs K's organic garden.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 2 Workday

Today's workday was even more productive than the last. Tons of people volunteered- Becca, Erez, Kristen, Ryan, Sara, Shelby, Trace, and I among them. We weeded, rejuvenated the compost, prepared compost lasagna, and strung our squash plant (to minimize its threat of being tangled). 

Kristen, Trace, Ryan, and Maddy hard at work weeding.

My lovely roommate Amanda filming our workday for her documentary film class.

Erez wrapped in squash. Naturally.


Strung squash!

Compost Lasagna

Our weed pile: thar she grows!

The last standing (first row- Maddy, Erez; second row- Trace, Kristen, Ryan).

Our Garden- the finished product!

Today's pluckin's! Tomatoes, beets, basil, and a pumpkin! (The products of our finished product).

Next week we hope to plant clover, spinach, arugula, and radish.


  1. Lil' Jess, Okay - love the name! I'd love to say you get your wittyness from me but I am certain your Dad will argue that. Your Nana Joan is going to BEAM when she reads this. Oh so v. proud of you. We are on our 8th year of composting and have a nice brew ready for a backyard garden. Over the break you can give us some tips on the best placement for it. These massive oaks aren't letting in the Sun... We have the space but little sun. Love you. Keep it up!

  2. Jessica-I LOVE this blog. Thanks for being so vigilant about updating it, it is beautiful and wonderful. Makes me very hungry too.
